CoLearnLab at ASEE 2019
We're excited to present at ASEE for the first time! Come see our poster about designing collaborative tasks for engineering courses:...
CoLearnLab at CSCL 2019
The CoLearnLab team will be sharing their work at CSCL in Lyon. Come see our posters on Wednesday evening: A Review of the Evolving...
CoLearnLab at AERA 2019
We're excited to share our work at the American Educational Research Association's Annual Meeting this week! Saad Shehab will share his...

TAs get live prompts based on log file analysis!!
We're so thrilled that this works! The TAs are receiving live updates today based on the live logfile data the students are generating...
Food for Thought wins first place in 2 Engineering Open House awards!
The Food for Thought app was on display at the Engineering Open House this weekend - in collaboration with colleagues in the Hydrosystems...

Data collection for CSTEPS 2 is underway!
The CSTEPS 2 project is focused on understanding whether providing TAs with live prompts (based on analysis of logfile data, built on...

First data collection for CSTEPS 2
After 2 weeks of consent paperwork and familiarizing students with the software - we collected the first day of data for CSTEPS 2 on...

Getting ready for CSTEPS 2 data collection!
Classes start next week - and four engineering classes will be in IDEALL every week, using the collaborative software we developed as...

Innovators in Education camp visit CoLearnLab
We were excited to host the Innovators in Education camp for a visit to CoLearnLab and IDEALL this week. It's great to see such talent...
CoLearnLab in Illinois Alumni Magazine
Work by the CoLearnLab - and that of other DELTA faculty - was featured in this month's Illinois Alumni magazine. Read more here:...