CoLearnLab meets with Beth Purvis, Illinois Secretary of Education
Illinois Secretary of Education, Beth Purvis, visited the College of Education at Illinois today, and stopped by IDEALL. We'd a great...
CSTEPS data collection!
First day of data collection for CSTEPS - 4 classes of engineering students came to IDEALL for their class, using either multi-touch...
DELTA students help out with Pilot Tests
We were very excited today to have both the CI 210 class (Intro to DETLA) and the CI590 class (DELTA grad seminar) help us test the...
Pilot testing for CSTEPS year 3 data collection
The first of our pilot tests was conducted today for October's data collection. We're focused on the TA tools that allow for the...
New NSF grant for CoLearnLab!
We're excited to announce a new CoLearnLab grant from the National Science Foundation: DIP: Improving Collaborative Learning in...
CoLearnLab at Cyberlearning 2016 and NSF
We've been sharing our work at Cyberlearning 2016 and in the NSF's lobby this week. Great to share our plans and the software with other...
Food for Thought App
Sixty-five 7th and 8th graders spent the afternoon in IDEALL using our new Food for Thought App. The goal of this app is to engage...
Classroom data collection for 'Food For Thought' project
The CoLearnLab team are busy in a local classroom this week! Working with 7th and 8th grade science students to implement a curriculum...
CoLearnLab present at AERA
Meghan Kessler presented results from the CSTEPS project Year 1 data, tracking students over 4 weeks. Results showed little change in...
New grant for CoLearnLab: "Making" a difference
We're excited to be awarded an Illinois Learning Sciences Design Initiative Phase 2 grant. The team includes Barbara Hug (C&I), Sharlene...